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My long-term goals include pursuing a career which promotes Reproductive Justice. I am taking the Spring 2017 semester off to travel around the U.S. & abroad. I will use this opportunity to practice speaking German, my first language, and further improve my communication skills. I was accepted to the Teach for America 2017 Corps and will teaching for two years and working towards my Master of Science in Education starting Summer 2017.


I will continue to volunteer for Sexual Assault Resource Centers, health clinics, and non-profit organizations wherever I go. I will be a resource for future members of F.R.E.E. and other organizations I helped lead. The results of this election confirm to me that young people need to be supported and mobilized to make human rights a reality for all, and I plan to do my part to ensure the success of various human rights movements. I will be an activist for the rest of my life.

Future Goals

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